Video Games Top Blogs

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Frogs Plague- Game, Sub-Attack Mission Game

Frogs Plague- Game

Sub-Attack Mission Game

Toy Car Game

Toy Car Game

Space Fly Game

Space Fly

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bomby Game

Bomby Game

Magic Arrows

Catapult Game

Catapult Game

Monday, February 23, 2009

Terra Game

Terra Game

Lost At Sea Game

Lost At Sea



Egg Game

Egg Game

Each Parent and Child

So far away, yet we are nearIn the intricate routes through which our thoughts flow, Xeroxed journeys, more rhythmic than dreams, That explode into melodies sung long ago. Extraordinary embrace! It seems Each parent and child is given to know Notes no one else will hear.


Families are created out of love And live within the cup of love's large hands. No momentary pain can love remove Or taint the trust of one who understands. We live at times at odds with those who love us, Colliding in our anger like great waves, Refusing to have anyone above us Nor willing to give up what passion craves. But anger is a storm we know will pass, And freedom is the nature of the will. We run like wild horses through the grass Yet know we are constrained by hunger still. Sometimes, obsessed with losses and with gains, We turn towards home and find that love remains.

Your love is like the Arizona sun

Your love is like the Arizona sun: Always there, no matter what I do. Bathed in light, I feel my love for you, But words are gone before I have begun. I don't know why I find it hard to say The things that rest so deeply in my heart. It seems almost impossible to start, As though they're too ungainly to display. I cherish you and what you feel for me. I'm lucky that I have you for a mom. I love you with a love that's sweet and calm, And vast, like some unending inner sea. You're the one I'm with when I'm alone; You're the place within my heart that's home.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Birthday means cakes, confetti, candles, birthday means games and cards, birthday means tons of good wishes, birthday means fun. We have free birthday greeting cards, birthday poems, famous birthdays, birthday games, multilingual birthday wishes and birthday party ideas.

Smile Means Friendship

Friendship You are my best friend, My very best friend, You make me happy, Everyday, You share your great snacks, You share your best toys, So please don't take My best friend away.

And a smile means friendship to everyone... A friend is a 'gift' our heart treasures. A friend is someone who understands us and shares our feelings. Here are some friendship resources for you to reach out to your friends and let 'em know how special they are.

A Circle Of Friends (Must Read)

Friendship I have a friend Whose name is _________And we have fun together.We laugh and play And sing all day In any kind of weather.

A Circle Of Friends
I can talk with a friend & walk with a friend & share my umbrella in the rain I can play with a friend & stay with a friend & learn with a friend & explain I can eat with a friend & compete with a friend & even sometimes disagree I can ride with a friend & take pride with a friend A friend can mean so much to me!
I had a box of crayons, All shiny, straight and new. I lent a friend one crayon, And--oops--it broke in two! My friend said she was sorry, But I said "I don't care,'cause now we both can color with one crayon--we can share!"

"Friends Friends care Friends share We need friends Everywhere!!!"

First love

First love is like playing with fire: A glow with pain and glory. Tell me, my dear first love, Whether I'm burned into your heart.
The fire in your body, The glory of your touch: Ah! my dear first love, Never, never leave my heart!
Although the fire is distant, The pain is always near. My dear first love, please listen:I hold you in my heart.

"My love is not fragile It will not leave you. You are in my heart and my soul Everything that I am you are a part of Know that I cherish you I always will"

"Flowers are a sign of love and beauty. Life with love can be a field of grace. Open to those wise in joy and duty, Wild with passion, civilized as lace. Each blossom that is carried down the aisle Reveals the life we've longed for all the while: Sweet-scented sunlight, lush as an embrace"

Friends in high school

Friends in high school are forever young. Unchanged, they're where you always will belong. The crowd is never gone, the pleasure stays, The music of the moment always plays, The time remains a field of wistful grace To which you may return from anyplace. Of course, you may still know them later on When you are someone else and years have run; And you may love them dearly, and they you, But time must make their friendship something new. Meanwhile, flourishing within your heart. There is a whole, of which you were a part: A group of friends, one in love and pain, In whom your longing comes alive again.

The Miracle Of Friendship

The Miracle Of Friendship

"There is a miracle called Friendship that dwells within the heart and you don't know how it happens or when it even starts. But the happiness it brings you always gives a special lift and you realize that Friendship is God's most precious gift."

"Friends will come and friends will go, The seasons change and it will show, I will age and so will you, But our friendship stays, strong and true."

"Friends There's nothing as nice as someone who shares, your laughter, your secrets, your wishes and cares, someone who's there through your good times and tears, who stays by your side as your friend through the years."


"I believe in angels, The kind that heaven sends, I am surrounded by angels, But I call them friends"
"A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift. A friend is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift. A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy, and grace. And makes the whole world we live in a better and happier place"

Dance Me To The End Of Love

Dance Me To The End Of Love

Dance with me in love, Dance with me in life, When did enduring love begin? The day we became man and wife. There is patience and understanding. We try to be unselfish and kind. Though not a fairy-tale romance. No greater love will we find Sharing dreams, passions, and desires Building each other up when we fall We've learned to say I'm sorry. And I love you through it all. Our two hearts beat as one Cherishing what we have from above Dance with me forever Dance me to the end of love.

If There's...Love Poem

If There's...

If there's one face I want to see, so beautiful, so true, one smile that makes a difference, to everything I do. If there's one touch I long to feel, one voice I long to hear, whenever I am happy, or just needing someone near. If there's one joy, one love, from which I never want to part, it's you, my very special love, my world, my life, my heart.


Your laugh is like a silver bell: Clean and light and free; Just like the hours of happiness Your friendship brings to me.
You're like a room of sweet wind chimes Enlightened by a breeze, Or like an open, grassy field Dotted with old trees.
I'm grateful for the things you do, But more for what you are: A breath of clear, bright open sea, Of life beyond the bar.

Another Year, Perfect Birthday

Another Year
I’m wishing you another year Of laughter, joy and fun, Surprises, love and happiness, And when your birthday’s done,I hope you feel deep in your heart, As your birthdays come and go, How very much you mean to me, More than you can know.

Perfect Birthday
On your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy; I hope all of your wishes come true. May each hour and minute be filled with delight, And your birthday be perfect for you!

Birthday Appreciation

Note for the below poems: Birthday poetry can express appreciation, as this birthday poem does. Note that in this birthday verse as in the birthday greetings Another Year and Perfect Birthday above, if more than one person is sending this birthday verse, then change "I" to "we," "I'm" to "we're," and "me" to "us."
Birthday Appreciation Each year your birthday reminds me That I really want to say I’m very glad I know you; I think of you each day. I hope you enjoy your birthday, All the pleasures it has in store, And because I appreciate you, I hope you have many more!

Birthday Blessings

Birthday Blessings!!!
Instead of counting candles, Or tallying the years, Contemplate your blessings, As your birthday nears. Consider special people Who love you, and who care, And others who’ve enriched your life Just by being there. Think about the memories Passing years can never mar, Experiences great and small That have made you who you are. Another year is a happy gift, So cut your cake, and say,"Instead of counting birthdays,I count blessings every day!"

A Special World!!!

A Special World!!!
A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot seeIt wraps us up in its cocoonAnd holds us fiercely in its womb.Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last.And though at times a thread may break. A new one forms in its wake. To bind us closer and keep us strongIn a special world, where we belong.

Love Poem

I love the way you look at me,Your eyes so bright and blue.I love the way you kiss me,Your lips so soft and smooth.I love the way you make me so happy,And the ways you show you care.I love the way you say, "I Love You,"And the way you're always there.I love the way you touch me,Always sending chills down my spine.I love that you are with me,And glad that you are mine.

My Everything Friend

My Everything Friend
You magnify my happiness When I am feeling glad; You help to heal my injured heartWhenever I am sad.You’re such a pleasure in my life;I hope that you can seeHow meaningful your friendship is; You’re a total joy to me.

A Wish
If I could have just one wish,I would wish to wake up everydayto the sound of your breath on my neck,the warmth of your lips on my cheek,the touch of your fingers on my skin,and the feel of your heart beating with mine...Knowing that I could never find that feelingwith anyone other than you.

Truly A Friend

Truly A Friend , Someone to lean on when problems appear,Someone on whom you’d depend,Someone who’ll lift you when you’re down in the dumps,That someone is truly a friend.That’s how I feel about you my dear friend;You’re so special just as you are.Just to know that you’re there provides comfort to spare;A friendship like yours sets the bar.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cute Friendship Quotes :

Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.

Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.

You can only go as far as you push.

Actions speak louder than words.

The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.

Don't let the past hold you back; you're missing the good stuff.
Life's short.

If you don't look around once in a while, you might miss it.

A best friend is like a four leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.
If you think that the world means nothing, think again. You might mean the world to someone else.

When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there
True friendship never ends.
Friends are forever.

Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
Don't frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.
What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?

Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
Most people walk in and out of you life. But only friends leave footprints in your heart.
Send this on to everyone special in your life, even the people who really make you mad sometimes. Whether we realize it or not, everyone we know is very special to us. When we look back on our younger years, we will remember the people who went to school with us, the people who made us laugh, the people who hung out with us when nobody else would, and the people who made our lives much better simply by being a part of it.

There may be somebody who is thinking about you RIGHT NOW and wishing that you were around. That's the wonderful thing about friendship-you always feel loved and cared about.
The most important thing to remember is... Always appreciate the friends that you have. A fight may come and go very easily, but a friendship could last forever. For every second spent in anger, a minute of happiness is wasted. So send this to your friends and let them know that you care.

Best Friend Quotes

Best Friend Poems and Quotes :-
1) Friends at school
Are big and small.
Friends at school
Are best of all!

2) Make new friends
But keep the old
One is sliver and the other gold !

Poem For My Best Friend :